In a snowy January, Powder conveying pump manufacturer ZhongYuan conveying pump welcomes you to visit Zhongyuan Innovation Material Powder Conveying Pump Co. LTD website! May you take care when the cold season comes! Welcome to ZhongYuan conveying pump [Knowledge News Information] column! It's in 239 when it's cold and the north wind howls. Slight cold marks the beginning of the cold days of the year. At the same time, the cold season is a good time for people to strengthen physical exercise and improve their physical fitness. In this freezing day, I would like to thank the employees who share the joys and sorrows with ZhongYuan, the industry customers and friends of “short distance transportation of alumina powder” , and the leaders and partners of “short distance transportation of alumina powder” at all levels who care about and support our development to do a good job in keeping warm and meet the work with a healthy body! Your success is our top priority. welcome to call Powder conveying pump series product technical consultation telephone: 8618539447368 to learn more [Powder conveying pump ,Double shaft humidifying mixer,Screw transfer pump,TL Air lift pump,Ash return pump,Jet transfer pump,Environmental dust collector,Airflow delivery pump,Low pressure pneumatic powder conveying pump ,Pneumatic conveying material powder conveying pump product] information!


发布时间:2018/9/19 12:47:02


    匠心专注,技术*!欢迎您大安粉煤灰气力提升泵用户朋友!今天是2024-01-02,自创新官网建成,您是第 125851 位访创新企业的客人!创新粉末输送泵是主要的大安粉煤灰气力提升泵产品生产厂家,在大安地区有众多的环保除尘器,气力提升泵,气流输送泵产品客户案例,可供您就近参观考察产品的实地使用情况!大安客户朋友产品技术工程师咨询电话:86-13783509718!




     大安粉煤灰气力提升泵供应商创新机械节能型气力输送粉末输送泵是在汲取国内多个生产厂家的缺乏的基础上,一起引进国外先进的生产技术之上而生产出来的新式气力输送粉末输送泵设备。 该设备能够依据体系具体情况,安置成单泵单管或多泵共管、多泵共气源等型式。管道能够水平、垂直、斜上安置,满意工程千变万化的安置要求。全密封、运送,满意本身环保及工程对所输物料的质量要求,因为该气力输送粉末输送泵选用低正压、全密封运送,外界物质不能进入管内,因而不会引起所需物料性质的任何改动。

   大安粉煤灰气力提升泵辅助设备 加湿搅拌机由二组螺旋叶片机均匀供料进入主机,把进入混料槽、搅拌槽的干灰粉状物料由给水设备定量供应的水进行强制混合、搅拌,同时将契合湿度要求的物料运送至出料口排出。


创新粉末输送泵主要产品: 环保除尘器,气力提升泵,气流输送泵
产品应用领域: 水泥厂电厂粉状物料提升输送设备
创新办公电话: 86-371-66554433
负责人手机: 86-13783509718
创新粉末输送泵微信: 同86-13783509718手机号
企业地址: 中国河南郑州
